Register for the webinar

June Product Showcase

June 7 | 2PM EST

Ready to see new CharityEngine features in action? Always wanted to ask questions of our product team and get immediate answers? Here’s your chance!

Join our team:

  • Alexis Langley, CharityEngine’s Customer Experience Manager
  • John Coogan, Vice President of Client Services
  • Julia Lindemon, Senior Implementation Consultant 

They will demonstrate new features as well as reintroduce you to some tools that you may have forgotten you have. We'll also share some hints about what magic we’re cooking up behind the scenes.


This is your opportunity to learn directly from our product experts about the powerful features designed with you and your organization’s goals in mind.

In this webinar, we will cover the addition of Google Pay to your donation forms and talk about new admin and user console updates.
Most of these updates were requested by clients, so tune in to see if your request made it!

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